Welcome to Low Fell Library! Our library is run and managed entirely by volunteers. We are a community library and offer a range of services from wide selection of books, public computers and photocopying to a range of community events we host on site. Our friendly staff look forward to seeing you soon...
"Schools and libraries are the twin cornerstones of a civilized society. Libraries are only good if people use them, like books only exist when someone reads them."Nicholas Meyer
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We aim to publish a bi-monthly newsletter which we distribute by email. To join our mailing list please fill in the form...
We have a range of recycling facilities in the library to find out more...
We have a sizeable room which is available for activities and can be used as an exhibition space...
In January 2013, following an advertising campaign by the library service calling for volunteers and some preliminary meetings, around forty potential volunteers began to meet regularly at Low Fell Library for training by staff from Gateshead Library Service. The Low Fell Library Association was established and was awarded charity status. Volunteers began running Low Fell Library from July 2013, with support from Gateshead Council’s Library Service and GVOC.
LFLA is a democratic organisation and all matters relating to the library are discussed, and if necessary voted on, at our regular meetings of all volunteer staff. We also have an annual general meeting in June. Low Fell Library Association (LFLA) is a registered charity (number: 1153726). It consists of over forty volunteers from the local community. Most of the volunteers work at least one designated shift behind the desk at the library each week.
LFLA has a board of trustees whose role is to direct the affairs of the association and to ensure that it is a well-run, solvent organisation which continues to deliver its charitable goals. Some members of the board of trustees are also officers with specific roles within the organisation including; a chair, a vice-chair, a secretary, a treasurer and a health and safety officer. The officers liaise on a quarterly basis with Gateshead Library Service to ensure the efficient operation of the library.
LFLA also has an activities group made up of a smaller number of the volunteer staff. This group meets regularly to discuss and plan the library’s activities and events. Our activities include building relationships with local schools as well as our weekly Rhyme Time sessions and monthly Book Group meetings. The activities group also organises our popular Christmas and Easter Fairs. Our events have included a well-received staged reading entitled, ‘Lest We Forget’ in 2014. More recently, in 2015, our two productions were ‘Baba Yaga’ for Halloween and December’s reading of ‘A Christmas Carol’ in association with the Dickens Fellowship.
We therefore hope that the community in Low Fell will continue to support Low Fell Library and LFLA. There are many ways to do this; by coming along to the community groups, attending events, donating or simply by buying a tea or coffee. The most important way to support the library is by joining and continuing to make use of the free service and low cost facilities.